
As a dynamic enterprise, we offer you an environment with great potential for personal development.

As an owner-managed company, we personally vouch for the quality of each realised project. We consider it our duty to create the best environment possible for our employees to perform with motivation and enthusiasm at the highest level.

In addition to providing very conveniently located workplaces in eight locations across Switzerland, we offer a wide range of perks.

High-quality workplaces
Paid breaks
Free coffee and attractive cafeterias
State-of-the art all-EV fleet
Fun staff events
Annual brunch for the entire family
5 to 10 weeks of annual leave
Contribution towards gym membership at Zurich branch
Special car deals for many brands
Discounts on leisure activities
Owner-managed and independent
High-performance IT infrastructure
Attractive career prospects
13 apprentices in 4 professions
Massage facilities in several branches
Over 200 people in employee development programmes
Contribution towards mobile phone bill
Contribution to half-price and other travel cards
Long-standing partnerships since the company’s founding in 1996
More than 1100 projects realised
Subsidised catering in Zurich
Continuous organisational development
RMB University for exciting training opportunities
Conveniently located workplaces

A team of specialists

We con­sider ourselves a team of specialists that de­livers technical ex­cellence for our custo­mers. Only if all em­ployees pool their skills can we achieve a satis­factory result. Clearly defined pro­cesses and a well-structured quality mana­ge­ment system ensure a con­vincing con­sistency of the solu­tions pro­vided.

Creative leeway and self-determined work

We expect a lot from our em­ployees. In return, we are pre­pared to create the ideal en­viron­ment for such ser­vices. This in­cludes creative leeway in develop­ment, interesting pro­fessional deve­lopment opportunities and self-determined work in an ultra-modern working environ­ment.